Seminar Online Via Whatsapp. But as with everything online there are risks to be aware of including scams viruses and misinformation Here are some tips for staying safe usingWhatsApp Only message people you know Anyone with your number can send you a message or add you to a WhatsApp group so make sure that you know and trust them before chatting to them.
Liberia Association Of Volunteers Monrovia 2021 from
UsingWhatsApp can enrich the learning experience and make it relatively easy for lecturers to make contact with learners at their own convenience Education systems need to evolve constantly to cope with the rapid advancement of digital technologies Universities cannot simply return to the businessasusual chalkandtalk mode of teaching.
Using WhatsApp to enhance online learning
Answer (1 of 2) Possible Solution can be to make a Group Video/Audio Call on Whatsapp It sounds irritating that you will have to conduct it over a phone and have to give a speech like that.
SEMINAR ONLINE VIA WHATSAPP Situs Resmi Yayasan Salafiyah Kajen
Kamis (2/4) MTs Salafiyah Kajen menggelar Seminar Online via Whatsapp bertema “Dari Aktif Menulis Hingga ke Belanda” Acara dipandu oleh Rifki Amarullah F yang merupakan alumni Salafiyah sekarang sedang menempuh pendidikannya di Universitas Sebelas Maret Pemateri sendiri yakni Zaenal Abidin juga merupakan salah satu alumni Salafiyah yang sekarang sedang menempuh pendidikan di UIN Syarif.
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