Pink Zebra Danio. Scientific Name Danio nigrofasciatus Also Known As Dwarf Danio Scientific Name Devario aequipinnatus Adult Size 4 inches (10 cm) Lifespan Scientific Name Danio albolineatus Also Known As Spotted Danio Adult Size Scientific Name Danio roseus Also Known As Purple Haze Danio Purple Scientific Name Tanichthys alboneubes Also Known As Scientific Name Danio rerio Also Known As Striped Danio Zebra Fish Adult.

I think you should get zebra danios With all the color you have right now a little black and white would look great Good Luck! ~hc Expand signature Current 10 gallon 3 male guppies 1 otocinclus cats 2 Aneus cory cats 9 neon tetras???? Snails 4+ Java ferns Tons of moneywort Official 20042005 cheerleader for Doll in the smilie wars!!! joe (and proud of it) K20190626201203062009113020070102.
Zebra Danio (Set of 3) – Mississauga Aquarium
PINK ZEBRA DANIO Pink zebra is very peaceful and is generally kept in school of 5 plus fishes It has pink body with white lines running horizontally These are very small and can easy be kept in small tanks and fish bowls Neon tetras Neon tetras Tetras Are Great Fish for Your Aquarium Tetras even make a great species only fish Smaller tetras like neons and cardinals are very.
Pink Zebra Danio Preg? My Aquarium Club
More than providing entertainment this channel intends to open doors of livelihood opportunities especially to the under privileged and deprived through fis.
Zebra Danio 101: Care, Size, Lifespan, Tank Mates
Native to South and Southeast Asia they are very colourful and active fish found naturally in fast flowing streams and gentle pools Comes in different colours such as pink green purple and zebra Danios are community fish that love to be in groups.
Longfin Gold Zebra Danio Fish For Sale
Home Aquaticlifepakistan
Zebra Danio (Zebrafish) Fish Species Profile
Zebra Danio (Zebrafish) Care & Species Profile
Zebra Danio Appearance, Behaviour and Complete Care Guide
Zebra Fish Care Zebra Danio Aquarium Care
Pink Danio’s ???? Tropical Fish Forums
10 Best Zebra Danio (Zebrafish) Tank Mates AquariumNexus
21454 Zebra Danio Forum pink zebras?!
Zebrafish Wikipedia
How to tell if your Zebra Danio is a Male or Female?
Danio Fish: Types, Behavior and Care Routine Fish
Pink Danios? Tropical Fish Forums ????
Zebra Danio The Care, Feeding and Breeding of Zebra
Pink Zebra Danio Navya Aquarium
There are genetically modified pink danios called glofish Here’s their official site http /wwwglofishcom/ They are not dyed fish However my understanding is because glofish aren’t imported into the UK or outside of the US the pink danios that you see in the UK and outside of the US most likely are dyed OohFeeshy20180620201309082012060720110713.