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Micro and Nano Systems Letters volume 5 IEEE J Emerg Sel Top Circuits Syst 1141–149 Article Google Scholar 49 Facen A Boni A (2007) CMOS power retriever for UHF RFID tags Electron Lett 431424 Article Google Scholar 50 Kotani K Sasaki A Ito T (2009) Highefficiency differentialdrive CMOS rectifier for UHF RFIDs IEEE J SolidState Circuits.
Sel (chimie) — Wikipédia
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En chimie un sel est un composé ionique de cations et d’anions formant un produit neutre et sans charge électrique nette Ces ions peuvent être aussi bien minéraux (chlorure Cl −) qu’organiques (acétate CH 3COO −) et monoatomiques (fluorure F −) aussi bien que polyatomiques (sulfate SO 4 2−) Les anions porteurs de deux charges négatives ou plus peuvent former des sels doubles.
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Nitrite de sodium — Wikipédia
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RF power harvesting: a review on designing methodologies
A plasmonicenhanced solar cell commonly referred to simply as plasmonic solar cell is a type of solar cell (including thinfilm crystalline silicon amorphous silicon and other types of cells) that converts light into electricity with the assistance of plasmons but where the photovoltaic effect occurs in another material A direct plasmonic solar cell is a solar cell that converts light.