Metal Gear Solid Cipher. Zero (real name David Oh) better known as Cipher is the overarching antagonist of the Metal Gear series He is a supporting character in Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater and the overarching antagonist of Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of the Patriots Peace Walker and Metal Gear Solid V He was the original commander of the CIA Special Forces Unit FOX (Force Operation X) and became the founder Video Duration 2 min.

OverviewBiographyPersonality and traits”This world will become one I have found the way Race tribal affiliations national borders even our faces will be irrelevant The world that The Boss envisioned will finally become a reality and it will make mankind whole again” ―Zero Early life and career Prior to creating FOX David Oh served in Layforce with The Boss participating in various raids in Egypt They were close friends with a fellow member of Layforce who died on December 30 1941 with Oh personally delivering his winged dagger pin to The Boss He and The Boss also served in the British SAS Oh later met and recruited the Hungarian assassin Skull Face into the SAS after the latter defected from the Soviet Union Impressed with his skills as an assassin and mi Zero had a prominent scar over his left eye and also believed that he had once been abducted by aliens Due to his SAS training he often looked down upon the American Armed Forces' methods of conducting operations viewing them as sloppy such as the fact that they relied too much on prepared equipment such as a flashlight or that they would leave their feces on the battlefield The bomber jacket that Major Zero wore during the missions in 1964 resembled those worn by Allied pilots in World W Video Duration 2 min.
Zero Metal Gear Wiki Fandom
A Cypher was responsible for alerting the Tengu commandos of Raiden's and Solid Snake's presence within Arsenal Gear's Ileum section Behind the scenes In Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty the Cypher's sensors can be temporarily confused by using chaff to set up an electronic interference field which also blocks its movement.
The Patriots Metal Gear Wiki Fandom
OverviewHistoryNames”Politics the military the economy they control it all They even choose who becomes President Putting it simply the Patriots rule this country” ―James Johnson The beginning of the Patriots Cipher was originally formed in 1970 as the reorganized version of the American Philosophers using funds contained within the Philosophers' Legacy Warning The following information is from outside Hideo Kojima's core “Metal Gear Saga” It has some level of canonicity within the continuity but reader discretion is advised The Legacy was stolen from the DCI at the climax of Gene's rebellion by the Philosophers' former agent Ocelot (under Zero's orders) Before ki The Patriots were named after the colonial American Patriots a group of colonists of the British Thirteen United Colonies who rebelled against British Empire's control during the American Revolution It was their leading figures who in July 1776 declared the United States of America an independent nation “Cipher” was the name the Patriots had assumed in its early years during the Peace Walker Incident The word Cipher in medieval times meant “zero” derived from the Arabic word ṣifr.
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Cypher Metal Gear Wiki Fandom
Zero (Metal Gear Solid) Villains Wiki Fandom
Cipher (disambiguation) Metal Gear Wiki Fandom
Cipher or Cypher may refer to Cipher an alias the Patriots adopted in the 1970s Cipher (Zero) an alias that was also adopted by Zero in the 1970s Cypher a saucertype unmanned aerial vehicle used for surveillance and communication support of land and marine operations This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the same title.