I M Depressed Because I M Ugly. I’m very depressed I don’t like being ugly because it makes people treat you differently I’m in school and I can see how people treat me differently to good looking people I have a big nose and a small mouth My lips are big and the upper one is bigger than the lower one This is me.

Ugly because I’m depressed Depressed because I’m ugly Close 59 Posted by 9 months ago Archived Ugly because I’m depressed Depressed because I’m ugly I just sopped taking care of myself and now when I look in the mirror I realize that no one would want me 10 comments share save hide report 99% Upvoted This thread is archived New comments cannot be.
I [15M] have been so sad and depressed lately because I
Seems like the looks are everything Oh I know I’ve seen “less attractive” girls in relationships But I can’t get over my own looks Also I think I am very boring Cold Not interesting I don’t think anyone’s really been interested in me ever I’m sorry this must sound very pathetic.
I'm depressed because I feel ugly! I have bad skin, I
Depressed because I’m ugly Hi so I’m writing this because maybe somebody can relate to me Or maybe even offer advice I’m about to be 25 and all I do is obsess about how I look I am in a constant battle with myself over the week about how ugly I am I am constantly getting mistaken for being older than I am although my skin is wrinkle.
I feel a little depressed because I'm an ugly female
Now I’m at a point that I hate my job I hate the house that I’m living in because I live with my dad who is depressed but he doesn’t admit it His mood affects everyone including me in the house I need to get out of here so I’ve been saving because its not a healthy environment to be in Even my friends and some family have noticed my state of mind and have told me that they.
Nobody Likes Me Understanding Loneliness And Self Shame Psychalive
The 6+ Best I’m So Depressed Jokes ↑UPJOKE↑
Depressed because I’m ugly. Take This Life
Depressed because I’m ugly. : Living With Mental Illness
Depressed because I’m ugly. DEPRESSION CENTRAL The
Being/feeling ugly seems to be the source of all my problems
I hate myself for being fat and ugly.
I’m depressed because I’m ugly and women don’t want me
Am I Ugly? AllTheTests.com
Depressed/Suicidal because i am ugly Suicide Forum
depressed : ugly bad and I’m My face is
I’m ugly depressed, Depressed because Ugly because I’m
I’m depressed because depression I’m ugly :
ugly : depression depressed because i’m
Depressed because I’m ugly : depression
Body Dysmorphic Disorder: Depressed Because I’m Ugly How
If you or someone you know is feeling suicidal and or depressed please go to National Suicide Hotline or check out Resources for more details If you have Body Dysmorphia Disorder please go to r/bodydysmorphia to learn more on how to deal with this illness r/ugly is not a good subreddit for people with this disorder.