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Data center REITs allow investors to benefit from the growth in data usage According to IDC data usage is on track to grow at a 24% compound annual rate through 2025 That should drive the need.
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Data centers around the globe are being mandated to simultaneously increase energy efficiency consolidate operations and reduce costs Each year data centers consume approximately two percent of global power consumption Because liquid is 4000 times better at storing and transferring heat than air our solutions provide immediate and measurable benefits to large.
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These data and analyses are updated every week We are tracking the data to the best of our ability though there may be gaps given the speed of developments and lack of detailed information in many public statements Suggested citation Duke Global Health Innovation Center (2021) Launch and Scale Speedometer Duke University Retrieved from.
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Global Relief globes Images and animations created by the NOAA National Geophysical Data Center from bathymetric topographic and marine geological and geophysical data.
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The National Snow and Ice Data Center offers some of our data in the form of images From these we have created Google Earth™ files that enable you to view them on a virtual globe Our goal is to help people better understand the cryosphere—where the world is frozen—by making our data more visible and interactive Featured Data highlights some of our most requested data.