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Principles of Marketing Philip Kotler, Gary M. Armstrong
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Principles of Marketing Philip Kotler, Gary M. Armstrong
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Principles of Marketing (17th Edition) by Philip T. Kotler
As a team Philip Kotler and Gary Armstrong provide a blend of skills uniquely suited to writing an introductory marketing text Professor Kotler is one of the world''s leading authorities on marketing Professor Armstrong is an awardwinning teacher of undergraduate business students Together they make the complex world of marketing practical approachable and enjoyable Authors Philip Kotler Gary ArmstrongPublisher Pearson/Prentice Hall 2008Edition 12 illustrated.
Jual Buku Prinsip Prinsip Pemasaran Kotler Amstrong Eds 12 Jil 2 Erlangga Kota Semarang Dhuwiebook Tokopedia
Buku Kotler Dan Amstrong 2012 Jawaban Buku
Pengertian Kemasan packaging Desain Grafis
Principles of Marketing Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong
Philip Kotler Gary M Armstrong Eric Svendsen No preview available 2012 Principles of Marketing Philip T Kotler Gary Armstrong No preview available 2011 Authors Philip Kotler Gary M ArmstrongPublisher Pearson Prentice Hall 2012Edition 14Title Principles of Marketing.