Blackhand The Destroyer. OverviewBiographyAppearance and retconsThis article is about the main universe Blackhand For his alternate universe counterpart see Blackhand (alternate universe) For his appearance in the Warcraft movie see Blackhand (film universe) For other uses see Blackhand (disambiguation) Legends A Warrior Made This section concerns content related to the Warcraft manga or comics Blackhand once visited the Frostwolf Village only to witness a large fire Blackhand saw Draka hardly able to lift a bucket of water and he took it as a sign of weakness on the part of the Frostwolf clan He told that if such a frail child had been born in Blackrock clan they would have killed her Because of this Garad exiled Kelkar Zuura and Draka to the outskirts of the village Battle with ogre Blackhand's design has changed significantly several times since his original introduction In artwork for the Warcraft I and Warcraft II game manuals as well as in the canceled Warcraft Adventures he was depicted with a distinctive antlered helmet a feature that is noticeably missing from his first World of Warcraft appearance in the form of a chess piece in the Karazhan Chess Event His appearance in Warcraft Legends A Warrior Made is identical to his chess event model In the alternate u.

Blackhand the Destroyer also known as Warchief Blackhand or simply Blackhand is a character in the Warcraft universe He was the first Warchief of the Orchish Horde as appointed by the warlock Gul'dan In reality Blackhand held little real power and was merely acting as a figurehead ruler to keep the orc clans in line while the real power was held by Gul'dan.
Blackhand the Destroyer Villains Wiki Fandom
Blackhand the Destroyer is an Elite NPC The location of this NPC is unknown In the NPCs category Added in World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria.
Blackhand the Destroyer NPC World of Warcraft
Blackhand from World of Warcraft Warlords of Draenor? Both were powermad and unstoppable juggernauts of destruction who were both respected and feared by their subjects While the former was corrupted by fel magic which increased his power at the cost of his mind the other one donned battle armor which was infused with the powers of flame.
Blackhand the Destroyer by Lordamus on DeviantArt
OverviewBiographyIn World of WarcraftWere you looking for the alternatetimeline version located on Draenor Blackhand (alternate) or the movie version Blackhand (movie)? This section's content needs citations references or sources A Raider of the Sythegore Arm and one of the most respected warriors in the Horde Blackhand became the renowned chieftain of the powerful Blackrock clan on Draenor Known as a tactical genius and a ruthless dictator who demanded respect from his warriors his ego and lust for power made him very easy to manipulate — a fact which Gul'dan discovered very quickly Through political manipulation and by stoking the embers of This section concerns content exclusive to World of Warcraft In Burning Crusade This section concerns content exclusive to The Burning Crusade The Horde's king piece in Karazhan's Chess event takes the form of Blackhand.
Iman Satriaputra Fan Art Blackhand The Destroyer Bust Shot
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Blackhand the Destroyer Author(s) Ilya Alaric Tags Medieval Orc Hero Size 2654 KB Rating (0 ratings) Downloads 0 Created Jan 23 2022 Updated Jan 23 2022.