Arabic Arabic. OverviewClassificationHistoryClassical Modern Standard and spoken ArabicLanguage and dialectInfluence of Arabic on other languagesInfluence of other languages on ArabicArabic alphabet and nationalismArabic is a Semitic language that first emerged in the 1st to 4th centuries CE It is now the lingua franca of the Arab world It is named after the Arabs a term initially used to describe peoples living in the Arabian Peninsula bounded by eastern Egypt in the west Mesopotamia in the east and the AntiLebanon mountains and northern Syria in the north as perceived by ancient Greek geogra Text under.

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A mostly unknown fact is that the Arabic language is the most widely spoken AfroAsiatic language The Afroasiatic language family spreads across the majority of Africa and the Middle East and is made of 300 languages and dialects A more popular fact among language lovers is that Arabic is a Semitic language much like Hebrew and Aramaic.
Arabic language Simple English Wikipedia, the free
Arabic ( عربي) is a Semitic language like Hebrew and Aramaic Around 292 million people speak it as their first language Many more people can also understand it as a second language The Arabic language has its own alphabet written from right to left like Hebrew.
Arabic Alphabet Chart: A simple, interactive reference table
Arab / Arabic / Arabian Arabs are a people whose place of ethnic origin is the Arabian Peninsula The language which they speak and which has spread widely to other areas is Arabic “Arabic” is not generally used as an adjective except when referring to the language or in a few traditional phrases such as “gum arabic” and “arabic numerals”.
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Arabic is native to more than three hundred million people around the globe the language as well as the Islamic script has and was influenced by many other often Islamic cultures and languages like Urdu (Pakistan) Persian and Farsi (Iran India) or others such as Sindhi (India) Uyghur Kirgiz (Central Asia) Berber (North Africa) Pashtun (Afghanistan) Kurdish Baluchi Jawi and.