13 Januari. EMBAsSedaPiodalanPustakaIda dané sané embas ring tanggal puniki 1 1334 Raja Enrique II dari Kastilia (s 1379) 2 1958 Andrew Stanton aktor miwah sutradara Amérika 3 1977 Orlando Bloom aktor Inggris 4 1983 William Hung pagending sané embas ring Hong Kong Ida dané sané seda ring tanggal puniki 1 1775 Johann Georg Walch Teologi saking Jerman (e 1693) 2 1885 Schuyler Colfax Wakil Présidén Amérika Serikat ka17 (e 1823) 3 1941 James Joyce pangawi Irmiwahdia sané kasub saking pustakanyané Ulysses 4 1978 Hubert Humphrey Wakil Présidén Amérika Serikat ka38 (e 1911) 5 1993 Camargo Guarnieri pangripta saking Brasil (e 1907) 6 1995 Max Harris jurnalis Australia (e 1921) 7 2001 Michael Cuccione pagending miwah aktor saking Kanada (2ge+her) (e 1985) 8 2002 Ted Demme produser Amérika Serikat (e 1963) 9 2012 Valia Rahma pembawa acara aktris Indonésia (e 1985) 10 2012 Morgan Jones aktor Amérika Serikat (e 1928) 11 2012 Billie Love artis miwah Potographer asal Inggris (e 1923) Piodalan ring tanggal puniki 1 Katolik Baptism of the Lord 2 Rahina Pembebasan ring Togo 3 Ring Swedia Natalberakhir ring rahina ka20 rahina Knut Anakanak merayakannya dengan melemparkan pohon Natal keluar saking umah 4 1962 Terbentuknya Pusat Penelitian Fisika LIPI 12 Januari 13 Januari 14 Januari Pranala liyané 1 (Indonésia) Kalender Bali Klasik 2 (Indonésia) Pewarigaan Kalender Bali.

1785 John Walter publishes 1st issue of “The Times” of London 1794 Congress changes US flag to 15 stars & 15 stripes 1822 The design of the Greek flag is adopted by the First National Assembly at Epidaurus 1830 Great fire in New Orleans thought to be set by rebel slaves 1840 The steamship Lexington burns and sinks four miles off the coast.
Historical Events on January 13 On This Day
13 Januari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia ensiklopedia bebas Anda juga bisa ikut ambil peran dalam penyebaran pengetahuan bebas Mari bergabung dengan sukarelawan Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia!.
13 Januari Wikipédia
Griffin Johnson 23 TikTok Star Ricky Flores 18 TikTok Star Liam Hemsworth 32 Movie Actor Nique 23 YouTube Star.
January 13 Birthdays Famous Birthdays
The Astrological Sign for January 13 is a Capricorn Birth Flower of the Month The Birth Flower(s) for the Month for January are Carnation The Carnation is the Birth Flower for January The symbolization of the Carnation means love pride beauty purity distinction fascination and loyal.
Tarikan Paito Singapore 13 Januari 2021 Sgp Jitu Youtube
Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, 13 Januari ensiklopedia bebas
January 13 Holidays and Observances, Events, History, Recipe
January 13 Wikipedia
January 13 This is the latest accepted revision reviewed on 25 January 2022 January 13 is the 13th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar 352 days remain until the end of the year (353 in leap years ).